Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences
University of Toronto Scarborough
I am an Assistant Professor, Teaching-Stream in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at the University of Toronto Scarborough and am the Director of the Master of Environmental Science Program in Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. My research focuses on climate and atmospheric variability of the mid-latitude and polar regions.
I am passionate about promoting climate science literacy: I serve as Chair of the School and Public Education Committee of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society and I also co-host a podcast about climate change and conservation called Emerging Environments.
My complete CV can be found here
The climate of the polar regions is undergoing unprecedented change as a result of human-caused increases in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. In the Arctic, the surface has warmed at approximately twice the rate of the global mean and sea ice extent has dramtically declined. In the Antarctic, the effect of stratospheric ozone depletion has also had a profound effect on the regional climate. A better understanding of the underlying causes of polar climate change will help to better predict how this change influences variability and change locally and in other parts of the world.
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Over the latter part of the twentieth century, CFC emissions from human activities caused a dramatic loss of stratospheric ozone, particularly over Antarctica. From a climate perspective, the effects of this ozone loss has not been confined to the stratosphere - ozone depletion has had significant impacts on the tropospheric and surface climate. I study the myriad ways that stratospheric ozone depletion influences climate.
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The stratosphere, once thought to be a passive layer above the troposphere, has a robust influence on the tropospheric circulation. This stratosphere-troposphere coupling is reflected in both the stratospheric influence on interannual tropospheric variability and also on long-term trends in the troposphere. My research investigates the drivers of stratosphere-troposphere coupling and the potential for such information to improve seasonal prediction.
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This course introduces the fundamental physics, chemistry and biology of Earth's climate system and familiarizes students with international global climate modelling initiatives.
This course offers an advanced introduction to climate data analysis. Students will gain an understanding of the theory and methods underlying the statistical analysis of climate data, in the space, time and spectral domains.