
What is Python?#

Python is a powerful, open-source programming language for data wrangling, analysis and visualization. Python is the preferred programming language for scientific computing and, increasingly, implementations of new machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms are being developed with Python (e.g., scikit learn).

Short Course Overview#

This short course introduces students to Python programming, and simple analysis and data visualization techniques. The workshop is geared toward those with little or no prior experience with programming. Interactive exercises will be included in the workshop, giving students the opportunity to test their knowledge and employ the discussed techniques.


The short course is presented via two asynchronous, interactive online modules. Laptops and an internet connection are required.

In the first module, the focus will be on introductory programming concepts, and Python-specific syntax and usage. The second module will focus on simple data analysis and visualization, specifically using the Python packages numpy and matplotlib.

To receive EES1100H short course credit, students must complete the reflection at the end of the second module.